Saturday, July 27, 2019

How to choose the right book?

Of course, you should read books not considering whether it is right or not right for you. There is no rule like this on the basis of which you can make this kind of mark between books. Books are books and you should read all of them. But, if you don’t have that much time and you need to go through some quality books that are only written for you, perfectly matches your requirements and taste- then here are some option through which you can choose the perfect book for you. Whether you are using any popular online bookstore or the real one, while buying it, consider these things. 

Start with the right genre

Documentary, sports, novel, fiction, and non-fiction- there are so many varieties among the books. Which one do you love the most? I bet you know your taste of reading. So, at first start from Genre. Choose the right genre. It will help you to make your time perfect. For example, if you are a sports person, choosing a book written on sports will entertain you the most. 

Choose the popular one

If you just want to start your book reading through something, then you can choose a popular and light book. You can start reading through something fun. It can be ‘Harry Potter’ or ‘The Hobbit’. Don’t start with something difficult!

Five finger rules

This is the funniest and easiest way to find out the right book for you. Take a book and just read the middle page of it. Finish the whole page and count all the words that you can’t understand from it. While you are at the end of the page and have more than 5 words that you couldn’t understand, then leave the book. Why it is called the ‘Five-finger rules’? Because you can use your five fingers to count the words!

Don’t judge a book without reading

Why you are choosing a book? Is it because the cover is good or it has won any prize? Don’t go for a book just for these causes. Because you can’t really say anything about a book without reading it.
Yes, that is all! If you are trying to find the perfect book, you can go for these tactics. So, what are you waiting for? Just go to the best online book shop in Bangladesh and choose the right one for you!

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