Friday, June 14, 2019

How to be a Successful Freelancer?

Like the other people, you can also do freelancing if you want. But what is the difference between you and them? How you can step ahead from them and be a successful freelancer? Here are some tips for you to be successful as a freelancer!

Build a network

As a human being, throughout your life, you have come to the connection with so many people, don’t you? Contact all of them who can be helpful for you. Besides, let everyone know what you are doing. It will build your network and you will get work easily. Maybe, you are not believing. But, actually, it helps.

Prepare a general contract

Most of the freelancer waste time in making a contract for the client. But, if you want, you can save your time doing this too. All you need to do here is, writing down the basic and general points of a contract. There should be information about you and your client, words about plagiarism and secrecy, payment method and necessary things. With every new client, you can improve a little bit. But, keep in mind that, a general contractor will save your time and will be easy for your client to go through.

Know how to say ‘No’

Your client may want so many things from you. Actually, it is their job to get the best with the least payment. But, you should know how to say ‘No’. Where you can’t do any work in your terms and if you feel that it is not okay, then just say ‘No’. It will help to clear your stand.

Take some down payment

It happens very often that, clients get their work done and don’t pay the freelancer. It is so unfortunate and wrong. But, it happens. It can create a depression in you. You can easily get out of the depression by taking some down payment. All you need here is making a contract which will ensure that your client will have the work done. And before starting the work, take 40-50% payment. It will help you later.

Establish your brand

From where people will know about you? To do that, establish your own brand in LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and in all the social media. There are people out there who need help. To provide them the service establish your brand and make a good reputation of it.
And, to get more success read the freelancing books too. There are many popular Bangla freelancing books out there. There are- ‘Outsourced freelancing success’ by Lise Cartwright, ‘ফ্রিল্যান্সিং গুরু: অনলাইন আয়ের চাবিকাঠি’ by Md. Ikram, ‘ফ্রিল্যান্সিং গাইডলাইন ফর গ্রাফিক ডিজাইন ডিভিডি’, ‘ফ্রিল্যান্সিং কী : ফ্রিল্যান্সিং পেশায় সফল হবার উপায়’ And ‘আউটসোর্সিং ইন্টারনেটে ঘরে বসে টাকা আয়ের সহজ উপায়’ By Shishir Ahmed Rubel, ‘ইন্টারনেটে আত্মকর্মসংস্থান-১’ and ‘ফ্রিল্যান্স আউটসোর্সিং শুরু করেছি যেভাবে’ by Md. Aminur Rahman etc. so, you can just pick one from them and get to enjoy more success with the best Bangla freelancing books from 

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