Saturday, October 10, 2020

Buy BCS exam preparation book Saifurs Math


Saifurs Math

The preliminary of the BCS exam on Mathematics reasoning is consists of 15 marks. Any students can be got this mark if he can take proper preparation for it. Saifurs math books can help you in the best ways. Mathematics reasoning is the branch of Mathematics dealing with Arithmetic, Algebra, and Geometry.
In the past preliminary exam of BCS in Mathematics reasoning, maximum math was common from the Saifurs Math book. We will describe a little of BCS Math preliminary preparation for the new student who doesn’t know how to get a good preparation for the Mathematics subject.
At first, we have talked to about this marks distribution of Mathematics subject. First, we need to see the topic of mathematics and how many marks are in the exam.

# Number, The Lowest Common Multiple (L.C. M), The Highest Common Factor (H.C. F), Percentage, Simplification, Profit & Loss, Calculation of Interest, Ratio & Proportion = 03 marks
Buy BCS exam preparation book saifurs math, these books help you to solve the problem of this type of math, especially percentage, profit & loss type math. It has a shortcut method which helps you to save time in exam.

# Algebraic Formula, Factorize an expression, Simplification & Second degree equation, Simplification & Second-degree inequality, Simultaneous Equation = 03 Marks
Algebra is one of the board parts of mathematics, together with the number theory, geometry, and analysis. In its most general form, algebra is the study of mathematical symbols and rules for manipulating these symbols. Simplification is the process of replacing a mathematical expression with an equivalent one, which is simpler in this book. You will learn it happily. The second-degree equation is the equation of two degree and their solutions. In mathematics, a set of simultaneous equations, also known as a system of equations or an equation's system. It is a finite set of equations for which common solutions are investigated.

# Exponent & Logarithms, Arithmetic/ Geometric series= 03 Marks
Exponentiation is a mathematical operation, involving two numbers, the base b, and the power n. The logarithm is the inverse function of exponentiation. That means the logarithm of a given number x is the exponent to which another fixed number, the base b, must be raised, to produce that number x. In mathematics, a geometric series is a series with a constant ratio between successive terms.

# Angle, Triangle & Quadrilateral, Trigonometry, Circle, Measurements, Cube= 03 Marks

In-plane geometry, an angle is the figure formed by two rays, called the sides of the angle. A triangle is a polygon with three edges and three vertices. It is one of the basic shapes in geometry. Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics that studies relationships between side lengths and angles of a triangle. A circle is a shape consisting of all points in a plane that is a given distance from a given point. In geometry, a cube is a three-dimensional solid object bounded by six square faces, with three meetings at each vertex.

# Sets, Permutation & Combination, Statistics & Probability = 03, Marks

A set is a well-defined collection of distinct objects, considered as an object in its right. A permutation of a set is, loosely speaking, an arrangement of its members into a sequence or linear order. Mathematical statistics is the application of mathematics to statistics. Mathematical techniques used for this include mathematical analysis, linear algebra, stochastic analysis, differential equations, and measure-theoretic probability theory.

Mohammad Moniruzzaman Mia’s book HSC English 2nd part = pani


Nowadays most of the students of the secondary and higher secondary are a scary thing the English. English is an international language besides that many official and court language is English after Bangla. So, it's important to learn English properly. English is a straightforward and relaxed language but to learn this language many students of our country face many struggles. Many students cannot be able to complete the educational life for acquiring learning English. So, they face a lot of difficulties in life. 

These problems are created initially when a student does not care first time in his student Life. They not care about English classes at his school or college. Especially in rural areas where lack of good teachers for those, students cannot a proper teacher in English after all they face many problems in life in different sectors like admission and jobs exam or BCS exam. So, it would be difficult to overcome this problem. As a result, you can see the SSC and HSC exam results every year in our country’s school or college. Most of the students in our country failed in English, otherwise, the number in this subject is very poor. Even these results impacted on admission. Most of the students unable to get a good number in English. So, we saw that students face many problems in English. Even after completes the study they can good in jobs exam because a number of English mark has on this exam. So the subject of English especially English 2nd part is more important to students. If it has a lack of English knowledge, they should’ve improved in English. This try should be starting in before completing secondary school. 

English 2nd part namely English grammar, you can see a different type of this book in a bookstore but many of the books are not perfect and this book is doesn’t impact the study. They couldn’t understand properly. Besides, there are some books, those are ahead of other books and perfect for learning English, this book is really able to help the students who were scared about English. From those books, Mohammad Moniruzzaman Mia's books HSC 2nd part = pani is special. A real book of students for English grammar. In this book, every part of the grammatical portion has introduced very easily and carefully. For this reason, every student could understand easily. It is possible to capture in English grammar with a short time if he's trying regularly and attentively. This is like water, in this matter of fact, this book named after. Mainly in this book has been included an HSC level curriculum. That’s why it is helpful to the student in this class. It is easy too skillful to English grammar in this book. Read this English grammar an HSC examiner can be an excellent result and it would be a great opportunity to the admission to public varsity or other

competitive exams. The advanced features of the capability make the book prominent in the study. HSC including BCS exam and others exam are to be good if a student read this grammar. It may be said that Mohammad Moniruzzaman Mia books HSC 2nd part = pani is best for HSC students.

Monday, September 14, 2020

What books should entrepreneurs read?

Do you want to start a new business or grow your existing business? Being an entrepreneur is a lonely job. But fortunately, you can always rely on the book. forget about going to networking events, meetups, or browsing the internet for useful information. Reading a business book is the best use of my time. I’ve spent a long time thinking about which books to mention here. And I decided to focus on books, I think will be topical for decades to come. The last thing you want is to read a book that’s useless next year. Many books are available on Online Bengali Book Store for entrepreneurs to read. Some of the most interesting and intriguing books that will help you get the idea about entrepreneurship as well as encourage them to take an initiative.


Entrepreneur and businessman Bill Gates and his business partner Paul Allen founded and build the world’s largest software business, Microsoft, through technological innovation, passionate business strategy, and aggressive business tactics. In the process, Bill Gates became one of the richest men in the world. In this book, different events of bill gates life are upheld. If you want to be an entrepreneur, you should read this book. Bangla version of the is available on s Best Online book shop in BD name 


This book has the advice of those people who are live present in the world. In the past, the Muslim was best in entrepreneurship that is known to all. Then many duce was in our land. Under their managed economy all people were beneficent. The Muslim Entrepreneur book paves us that, today Muslims are also influential in the world. Read this book you will able to acquires business knowledge. In this book, we will see how a Muslim entrepreneur will be successful in economics. In this book, 10 rules are described about the entrepreneur. Read those tricks we can apply in businesses so, we will able to succeed in economics Insallah…..


Founding  own business is difficult but maintaining and improving it is very much difficult and challenging task. In this book, Subrata Bagchi tells us his own story of becoming a high-performance entrepreneur, he explains what those secrets are that make so many companies on par with conglomerates of the rest of the world. Also, he pretends that the governments of different countries are becoming more entrepreneur-friendly than before. Entrepreneurship also helps in creating more employment and thus increases the standard of living. This book is a delectable guide to ambitious entrepreneurs.

THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill

This is a most famous motivational book, the think and grow rich book is a motivational volume that assures readers of personal development and teaches them quite a few tips and tricks to achieve success and to make money in life. Hill was inspired to composition Think And Grow Rich by a suggestion from a successful businessman of his times. Hill analyzed the typical characteristics of over 500 distinguished people who had achieved big in their lives, and based on this study came up with 16 ‘laws’ of success. The book highlights the fact that if an individual is boosted by a strong desire, decision, and persistence, and can eliminate all negative things, he can climb high up the ladder of success.


It is a business book by consultant and speaker Patrick Lencioni, which is first published in 2002. The book describes the many pitfalls that teams face as they seek to ‘grow together’. The book explores the fundamental causes of organizational politics and team failure. Like most of Lencioni’s books, the volume of it is written as a business fable. According to the book, the five dysfunctions are Absence of trust, Fear of Conflict, Lack of Commitment, Avoidance of accountability and Inattention to results.


Do you have what it takes to succeed in your career?

The secret of success is not what they taught you in school. Not a business school degree, even technical knowledge. The single most important factor in job performance and advancement is emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is actually a set of skills that anyone can acquire it, and in this practical guide, Daniel Goleman identity them explains their importance, and shows how they can be maintained. Readers also discover how emotional talent can be learned. Goleman analyzes five key sets of skills and vividly shows how they determine who is hired and who is fired in the top corporations in the world. He also provides guidelines for training in the ‘emotionally intelligent organization’.

As these books helped you in your business I hope. You will have freedom and abundance. The world and the universe will respond to you in beautiful ways. Buy book from BestOnline book shop in BD as soon as possible.


Thursday, August 6, 2020

What are the best online bangla book shopping sites for book readers?

Bangla books
Bangla books are a medium for recording in the form of writing or images in Bangla history and culture. A people who want to know about Bangladesh, he should read Bangla books for the clear concept of it. 

Evolution of the book industry

This form of the book chain has changed since the eighteenth century. The author has asserted gradually with time, and the copyright dates only from the nineteenth century. Before the innovation of printing, each copy of a book passed through his hand. If it were necessary to add his comments or bookseller and publishers jobs have flowed out with the innovation of printing, which made the book an industrial product.

In Bangladesh, some places have existed, from where you can buy through online Bangla books easily, as like

Nilkhet; nilkhet is a border on Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh. It is between Dhaka University to the east, Mirpur road and new market to the west, and Elephant road to the north. Nilkhet has a completely different identity today. The market has a lot of second-hand books. It contains several dozen shops that deal in used books and magazines. 

Ekushey Boimela; The Ekushey Book Fair or Amar Ekushey Grantha Mela, an important book fair of Bangladesh. Which known as Ekushey Boi Mela. It is the national book fair of Bangladesh, and arranged by Bangla Academy and takes place for the whole month of February in Dhaka. This event is dedicated to the martyrs who have died on February 21, 1952.

Dhaka International Bookfair; Dhaka book fair is a book fair held in Bangladesh’s Capital city Dhaka, also known as the International Book Fair. This book fair is one of the most popular book fairs in Bangladesh, apart from Amar Ekushey bookstella. This fair is organized every December. The place of this fair is not specific.

Online Bangla books shopping site in Bangladesh

In you will find different types of books. Almost every publisher in Bangladesh sells out their books on this website. At this moment in Rokomari, you can get the books more than 40 categories. Moreover 2 lac books are in the collection of, and day by day this number has been increasing.

Why rokomari is best for Bangla books?

Because there are numerous of Bangla books is stored in You will get different types of Bangla books from this site. You can get a concept in the books by clicking the book name on our website. Then a particular page will be open and you will get a proper description of this book. You can also see a rating of the book and review system where customers gave their feedback. 

The ordering system of online Bangla book: 

There are 2 procedures of book order from Rokomari.
1st of all, if you want to buy from online you have to go to our website and then search your desired books. You just have to click the “buy now” option and that product will be stored in your cart.
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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Best Books About Islamic History Of All Time

Islam is the religion of peace and living. Muslims have a glorious history of a thousand years. Histories are not imaginary or fantasy-oriented like novels and myths. They are the truths that tell the lives and struggles of a particular event, culture, lifestyle, collection or nation. They investigate the sequences of past events and explore the roots of a civilization or culture.

The history of Islam concerns the political, social, economic and cultural development of Islamic civilization. It is not like this that history has always been in favor of Muslims, rather there had been hardships at the beginning of Islamic movement. There had been denial, mistrust, hate, and torture to the prophets and their followers who devoted their lives and souls to the betterment of Islam.

Islam has had a glorious history from the time of the first prophet Hazrat Adam (A) to the last prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) and after that the caliphs of Islam. The struggles and hardships are also the sources of inspiration that have given birth to the present Muslim Community around the world. For this, the history of Islam is a must-know for every Muslim. In this regard, Islamic history books can play a vital role in distributing light of knowledge about the truth and glory of Islamic civilization.

Jinn o Fereshtader Bisshoykor Itihash

This is a much well-received Islamic history book in Bangla. Allama Jalaluddin Suyuti is the author of this book that discusses the Jinns and related beliefs. Jinns are creations of Allah who are known to be made of fire. They are the subjects of wide curiosity for Muslims. It also describes the Fereshta (angels, ‘Malak’ in Arabic), the celestial beings, created from a luminous origin by Allah. The existence, classes and other related beliefs are extensively narrated in this popular book.


Nearly 8,000 years ago Genghis Khan, one of the most vicious killers in history, emerged as the Azrail for uncountable people in the world. He, along with his Mongol troops, slaughtered people by the millions. Almost 40 million people died in the hands of Mongols. At that time, some from Iran and Turkey fled to Antalya and established one of the greatest empires in history. ‘Sanjak-E-Usman’, written by Prince Muhammad Sajal, is a book that shows the history of a great empire and its beginning.

Tatarider Itihas

Dr. Rageb Sarjani wrote this book about the Tatari aggression on the Muslim Regime in the 6th Century. This book was translated in Bengali by Abdul Alim and edited by Mawlana Muhammad Zainul Abideen. The book gained a good response for its narrative history on one of the biggest aggressions on Islamic Khilafat. The book gives a view of the uprising of Tataris in the Islamic stage, their attacks on Muslims and the final consequences of the aggression.

Mirat ul Memalik: The Admiral

Mirat ul Memalik is a historical book written in 1557 by Ottoman admiral Syedi Ali Reis about his travels in South Asia, Central Asia, and the Middle East. This was written in an extinct Turkish dialect. The book was translated by then as one of the greatest books on Islamic history books in English. Salahuddin Jahangir translated this book in Bengali and gained much response from writers. Reis’ adventures in the unknown and distant seas make this book a must-read for history lovers.

Bharote Muslim Rajotter Itihas

A.K.M. Abdul Alim wrote this book on the history of Islamic Reign in the Indian Subcontinent. This book narrates the history of Islamic rulers in India from the Sultani Reign in the 13th century, The Mughal Reign from the 15th century and the period after the British invasion in India. This also shows the golden era of Islamic reign to the downfall of the same in Hindustan gradually.

Islam: Shonkhipto Itihas

Originally written by Karen Armstrong, this book has proven Islam to be a religion to be most widely misunderstood and falsely terrorized. Through this book, the author proved these to be wrong and futile as well as glorified the powerful journey of Islam from the day of the dawn of it.

The Spirit of Islam

This book is written by Sir Syed Ameer Ali and translated in many other foreign languages. This has also been adapted as the most widely read Islamic history books by Islamic scholars. This gives a brief view on the life of Prophet Muhammad (SM), his life and works, the birth of Islam as a living religion and the specters of Islamic politics, literature, science, commerce, Islam and rationalism, Islam and Sufism etc.

There are many published books on the history of Islamic and its culture in many languages. Islamic history books in Urdu, Bengali, and English, etc. are being widely read in this subcontinent for a long time that are the literary works of renowned scholars and translators. To enlighten the Muslim ummah with the light of historical knowledge, these books have played a vital role and gained mentionable adoration.

-Tahseen Nower

Monday, April 20, 2020

Into the fictional world of Humayun Ahmed

Humayun Ahmed - Image

There are some common characters, typical lines, average scenarios, ordinary and extraordinary peoples always present in his novels. His lead characters will be extraordinarily genius, a random guy who acts weird and talks weird, a guy with unusual imaginary or intuition power, someone very short-tempered and grumpy but very good at heart at the same time. His storytelling style is linear with no detailed character building, short conversations with talkative characters, straight cut sequences with few wordy emotions and easy to read fluid and fluent pace. Can you guess who is he?

If you have read a lot of his books, it’s safe to assume that these commonalities have stuck your mind also. But there is something, some kind of unique charm present in his writings that every known feature and setup provide us with fresh stories, new appearances, and raw experiences. Each of his lead heroines is equally beautiful i.e. the most exquisite one, still being unique in their own ways. Similarly, all the other features he liked to put in each of his novels commonly are different from each other as well in their own way, like every human being has the same facial features i.e. eyes, mouth, lips, nose, looks distinctly different from each other. Does this legendary man need any further introduction?

The most popular novelist in the post-liberation period of Bangladesh, a proverbial writer who has created countless fictions and fictional characters which are immensely popular among the readers across generations, Humayun Ahmed continues to be the biggest name and the biggest face of our literary premises for a long time now. Since his inception in writing novels with the release of his first-ever novel ‘Nondito Noroke’ in 1972, he has written more than 200 novels before his death in 2012. During that period of 40 years, his pen continued to write on like a magic wand making him a legendary magician to the book-lovers of Bangladesh, who have worshiped him drinking his imaginary magical potion called novels.

Before the 1970s, Bengali literature was extensively dominated by West-Bengal centric writers. We Bangladeshis too used to read West-Bengal literature as they were abundant in our book shops and libraries. However, Humayun Ahmed changed the scenario all alone. He somehow brought a balance to the Bengali literature between ‘Epar Bangla’ and ‘Opar Bangla’ and put our country on the front. He is no more among us but his legacy continues to run towards the path of success, his fictions and beloved fictional characters continue to enchant the newer generations one after another. He continuously became the best-seller writer of the Ekushe Book Fair from 1990 to 2012, the year of his demise.

Many critiques tend to call Humayun Ahmed one of our very first writer who partly explored the literary arena of magical realism. This is because of his unique ability to present an abnormal or surrealistic situation so realistically that the readers are compelled to take that as something tangible. Interactive characters are the lifeline of his writings carried by interesting short conversations. In those fictional conversations, most of the time meaningless or silly issue centric, his characters successfully grab the readers’ attention, thanks to the tremendous presentation of an ordinary situation. This sometimes makes the negative characters adorable as well to the readers.

One of the timeless fictional creation of Humayun Ahmed is Himu, a vagabond youth with no clear meaning of life strolls across the empty streets of night’s Dhaka, loves talking with all sorts of peoples and makes them smiling by any possible means, remains unpredictable all the way with a divine power to amaze people by his inborn charm, though his ramshackle appearance with almost always a yellow Panjabi is not much appreciable. This mysterious man also has a woman in his life who is sometimes even more mysterious, Rupa. Himu keeps fleeing from the inevitable, from his everlasting feelings for the girl, but Rupa keeps waiting patiently with small to no hope at all. Who knows how many young boys and girls have been influenced by this Himu and Rupa through 21 Humayun Ahmed Uponnash series; who knows how many boys idolized Himu, tried to emulate his characteristics by becoming indifferent and passionless being under a rugged yellow Panjabi; and who knows how many young girls have put on sky blue saree with a tip on the forehead to impress her Himu!

Many tend to believe, Himu is sometimes more influential than the creator Humayun himself. However, he has created 2 more influential characters- Misir Ali and Shuvro. Misir Ali featured on 20 of Humayun’s novels who is completely opposite of a character to Himu. He is a professor of psychology at Dhaka University who thinks and acts very rationally and can read people’s psychology amazingly well. Shuvro is another character, featured in six very popular novels, is the purest of all Humayun characters who can’t even tell a lie out of fear that it might hurt somebody. Needless to say, all of these characters are very much popular among the readers.

Humayun is perhaps the one last of his kind who has seen success in writing as well as on television. He has directed many TV serials and films where he has presented some of the most influential characters in Bengali television history. His immensely popular serial ‘Kothao Keu Nei’ featured Baker Bhai, a fictional character that still resides in ‘90s kids’ hearts, for whom people came out to streets with the procession to stop his execution in the serial’s fictional world!

Humayun Ahmed created a world of fiction so close to the reality and number of characters with larger than life charisma, it’s impossible to measure his influence on Bengali literature or fiction. He has written stories, sci-fi, prose and film scripts- all gaining huge popularity. He and his creations have become a legend, a fairytale, a mythical reality that will survive for ages with glory.

-Mohammad Saiful Islam