Sunday, June 23, 2019

linked blog post 2

Science fictions in Muhammed Zafar Iqbal’s novel! writer Zafar Iqbal is the best writer in Bangladesh writes the novel, fictions, romantic stories in his words. if you search for best writer in Bangladesh, you will find Muhammed Zafar Iqbal in top listed cause his famous writing skills. you may visit to know details his writing and biography linked show above!

Why should you read the motivational books?
sometimes you feel boring, exhausted, hopeless without guidelines! to recharge yourself need not eat only food, or read academic books, you need something that helps you to keep moving forward and this is called motivation. people need the motivation to recharge themselves to continuing their goals.

The top 3 philosophers of history!
did you know the top 3,s name? okay! Aristotle, Plato, and Confucius are the worlds top and best philosophers ever. there are no others like themselves that they are. if you will visit linked above you will know about the full life history and find their historical best books ever they wrote 

How does economics help to make a better decision in real life?
A good economics book will teach you better knowledge about whole economics that no one person can teach you like books. read how can economics books help you in real life and buy books to read about economics.

Humayun Ahmed: The magician of words!
click to know about the most popular writer Humayun Ahmed biography, and popular books.