Saturday, October 10, 2020

Buy BCS exam preparation book Saifurs Math


Saifurs Math

The preliminary of the BCS exam on Mathematics reasoning is consists of 15 marks. Any students can be got this mark if he can take proper preparation for it. Saifurs math books can help you in the best ways. Mathematics reasoning is the branch of Mathematics dealing with Arithmetic, Algebra, and Geometry.
In the past preliminary exam of BCS in Mathematics reasoning, maximum math was common from the Saifurs Math book. We will describe a little of BCS Math preliminary preparation for the new student who doesn’t know how to get a good preparation for the Mathematics subject.
At first, we have talked to about this marks distribution of Mathematics subject. First, we need to see the topic of mathematics and how many marks are in the exam.

# Number, The Lowest Common Multiple (L.C. M), The Highest Common Factor (H.C. F), Percentage, Simplification, Profit & Loss, Calculation of Interest, Ratio & Proportion = 03 marks
Buy BCS exam preparation book saifurs math, these books help you to solve the problem of this type of math, especially percentage, profit & loss type math. It has a shortcut method which helps you to save time in exam.

# Algebraic Formula, Factorize an expression, Simplification & Second degree equation, Simplification & Second-degree inequality, Simultaneous Equation = 03 Marks
Algebra is one of the board parts of mathematics, together with the number theory, geometry, and analysis. In its most general form, algebra is the study of mathematical symbols and rules for manipulating these symbols. Simplification is the process of replacing a mathematical expression with an equivalent one, which is simpler in this book. You will learn it happily. The second-degree equation is the equation of two degree and their solutions. In mathematics, a set of simultaneous equations, also known as a system of equations or an equation's system. It is a finite set of equations for which common solutions are investigated.

# Exponent & Logarithms, Arithmetic/ Geometric series= 03 Marks
Exponentiation is a mathematical operation, involving two numbers, the base b, and the power n. The logarithm is the inverse function of exponentiation. That means the logarithm of a given number x is the exponent to which another fixed number, the base b, must be raised, to produce that number x. In mathematics, a geometric series is a series with a constant ratio between successive terms.

# Angle, Triangle & Quadrilateral, Trigonometry, Circle, Measurements, Cube= 03 Marks

In-plane geometry, an angle is the figure formed by two rays, called the sides of the angle. A triangle is a polygon with three edges and three vertices. It is one of the basic shapes in geometry. Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics that studies relationships between side lengths and angles of a triangle. A circle is a shape consisting of all points in a plane that is a given distance from a given point. In geometry, a cube is a three-dimensional solid object bounded by six square faces, with three meetings at each vertex.

# Sets, Permutation & Combination, Statistics & Probability = 03, Marks

A set is a well-defined collection of distinct objects, considered as an object in its right. A permutation of a set is, loosely speaking, an arrangement of its members into a sequence or linear order. Mathematical statistics is the application of mathematics to statistics. Mathematical techniques used for this include mathematical analysis, linear algebra, stochastic analysis, differential equations, and measure-theoretic probability theory.

Mohammad Moniruzzaman Mia’s book HSC English 2nd part = pani


Nowadays most of the students of the secondary and higher secondary are a scary thing the English. English is an international language besides that many official and court language is English after Bangla. So, it's important to learn English properly. English is a straightforward and relaxed language but to learn this language many students of our country face many struggles. Many students cannot be able to complete the educational life for acquiring learning English. So, they face a lot of difficulties in life. 

These problems are created initially when a student does not care first time in his student Life. They not care about English classes at his school or college. Especially in rural areas where lack of good teachers for those, students cannot a proper teacher in English after all they face many problems in life in different sectors like admission and jobs exam or BCS exam. So, it would be difficult to overcome this problem. As a result, you can see the SSC and HSC exam results every year in our country’s school or college. Most of the students in our country failed in English, otherwise, the number in this subject is very poor. Even these results impacted on admission. Most of the students unable to get a good number in English. So, we saw that students face many problems in English. Even after completes the study they can good in jobs exam because a number of English mark has on this exam. So the subject of English especially English 2nd part is more important to students. If it has a lack of English knowledge, they should’ve improved in English. This try should be starting in before completing secondary school. 

English 2nd part namely English grammar, you can see a different type of this book in a bookstore but many of the books are not perfect and this book is doesn’t impact the study. They couldn’t understand properly. Besides, there are some books, those are ahead of other books and perfect for learning English, this book is really able to help the students who were scared about English. From those books, Mohammad Moniruzzaman Mia's books HSC 2nd part = pani is special. A real book of students for English grammar. In this book, every part of the grammatical portion has introduced very easily and carefully. For this reason, every student could understand easily. It is possible to capture in English grammar with a short time if he's trying regularly and attentively. This is like water, in this matter of fact, this book named after. Mainly in this book has been included an HSC level curriculum. That’s why it is helpful to the student in this class. It is easy too skillful to English grammar in this book. Read this English grammar an HSC examiner can be an excellent result and it would be a great opportunity to the admission to public varsity or other

competitive exams. The advanced features of the capability make the book prominent in the study. HSC including BCS exam and others exam are to be good if a student read this grammar. It may be said that Mohammad Moniruzzaman Mia books HSC 2nd part = pani is best for HSC students.