Monday, September 14, 2020

What books should entrepreneurs read?

Do you want to start a new business or grow your existing business? Being an entrepreneur is a lonely job. But fortunately, you can always rely on the book. forget about going to networking events, meetups, or browsing the internet for useful information. Reading a business book is the best use of my time. I’ve spent a long time thinking about which books to mention here. And I decided to focus on books, I think will be topical for decades to come. The last thing you want is to read a book that’s useless next year. Many books are available on Online Bengali Book Store for entrepreneurs to read. Some of the most interesting and intriguing books that will help you get the idea about entrepreneurship as well as encourage them to take an initiative.


Entrepreneur and businessman Bill Gates and his business partner Paul Allen founded and build the world’s largest software business, Microsoft, through technological innovation, passionate business strategy, and aggressive business tactics. In the process, Bill Gates became one of the richest men in the world. In this book, different events of bill gates life are upheld. If you want to be an entrepreneur, you should read this book. Bangla version of the is available on s Best Online book shop in BD name 


This book has the advice of those people who are live present in the world. In the past, the Muslim was best in entrepreneurship that is known to all. Then many duce was in our land. Under their managed economy all people were beneficent. The Muslim Entrepreneur book paves us that, today Muslims are also influential in the world. Read this book you will able to acquires business knowledge. In this book, we will see how a Muslim entrepreneur will be successful in economics. In this book, 10 rules are described about the entrepreneur. Read those tricks we can apply in businesses so, we will able to succeed in economics Insallah…..


Founding  own business is difficult but maintaining and improving it is very much difficult and challenging task. In this book, Subrata Bagchi tells us his own story of becoming a high-performance entrepreneur, he explains what those secrets are that make so many companies on par with conglomerates of the rest of the world. Also, he pretends that the governments of different countries are becoming more entrepreneur-friendly than before. Entrepreneurship also helps in creating more employment and thus increases the standard of living. This book is a delectable guide to ambitious entrepreneurs.

THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill

This is a most famous motivational book, the think and grow rich book is a motivational volume that assures readers of personal development and teaches them quite a few tips and tricks to achieve success and to make money in life. Hill was inspired to composition Think And Grow Rich by a suggestion from a successful businessman of his times. Hill analyzed the typical characteristics of over 500 distinguished people who had achieved big in their lives, and based on this study came up with 16 ‘laws’ of success. The book highlights the fact that if an individual is boosted by a strong desire, decision, and persistence, and can eliminate all negative things, he can climb high up the ladder of success.


It is a business book by consultant and speaker Patrick Lencioni, which is first published in 2002. The book describes the many pitfalls that teams face as they seek to ‘grow together’. The book explores the fundamental causes of organizational politics and team failure. Like most of Lencioni’s books, the volume of it is written as a business fable. According to the book, the five dysfunctions are Absence of trust, Fear of Conflict, Lack of Commitment, Avoidance of accountability and Inattention to results.


Do you have what it takes to succeed in your career?

The secret of success is not what they taught you in school. Not a business school degree, even technical knowledge. The single most important factor in job performance and advancement is emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is actually a set of skills that anyone can acquire it, and in this practical guide, Daniel Goleman identity them explains their importance, and shows how they can be maintained. Readers also discover how emotional talent can be learned. Goleman analyzes five key sets of skills and vividly shows how they determine who is hired and who is fired in the top corporations in the world. He also provides guidelines for training in the ‘emotionally intelligent organization’.

As these books helped you in your business I hope. You will have freedom and abundance. The world and the universe will respond to you in beautiful ways. Buy book from BestOnline book shop in BD as soon as possible.